Year 5 learning this week
Below you will find our weekly teaching and learning summary to find out how we develop and enrich your child's learning whilst they are with us.
Week ending | What we have been learning about |
25/10/24 | This week in Year 5, we have been writing acrostic poems about the different planets in our solar system. Within our poems, we have been using a range of figurative language to describe the different planets. In Maths, we have been having recap lessons of our learning this term which the children have enjoyed as we have had a range of different tasks each day. This week, we have also had a visit from the Rotary Club and been given dictionaries for each child! |
18/10/2024 | This week in Year 5, in DT, we have started to create our orreries. The children have begun to cut out parts of the orrery using a range of tools and have begun to paint the different planets. In Maths, we have been developing on our knowledge of statistics and have been learning how to read timetables. In Literacy, we have been creating a double pages fact file on a range of ‘Influential women in Space’. Spellings: words ending in ‘-cial’ and ‘-tial’ |
11/10/2024 | This week in Year 5, we had a brilliant time at the Wonderdome Experience. The children learnt more information about our Solar System and Galaxy and asked brilliant questions to develop their understanding. Following this, in English we created a letter to the current Year 4’s to tell them what to expect next year and what they enjoyed. Collaborating with the Wonderdome Experience and Space week, Year 5 also created brilliant pieces of artwork all about the planets in our Solar System. Spellings: Words ending in ‘-tial’ |
04/10/2024 |
This week in Year 5, we have been writing reports using dialogue on the Apollo 11 mission. We have been focusing on using inverted commas correctly, using year 5 and 6 spelling words and a range of fronted adverbials. During our Maths lessons, we have been recapping our knowledge of addition and subtraction and using the column method to support our working out. In RE this week, we have been looking at biblical stories and how ‘salvation’ (rescue) is a common theme in the Bible. Spellings: Words ending in ‘tial’ |
27/09/2024 |
This week in Year 5, we have been creating our own planets and have written amazing reports on this. The children were able to use a range of features to describe their planets and were able to present them using key organisational devices. We have also looked at how to uplevel our writing by editing and checking our work. In Maths, Year 5 have been developing their learning on adding and subtracting up to 6 digit numbers. |
20/09/2024 | This week in Year 5, we have been writing a diary entry in perspective of Katherine Johnson and discovering what a day in her life was like when working as a computer for NASA. In Maths, we have been looking at Roman Numerals up to 1000 and on Wednesday the children had a code breaker activity to find the hidden code using their knowledge of Roman Numerals. We were really impressed by the children's dedication and resilience during this lesson! Year 5 have also begun their scientific enquiry this week on how the earth rotates, we have set up a rounders post in the playground to see how the shadow changes throughout the day which we will carry on on Monday morning! Spellings: words ending in ‘-cious’ |
13/09/2024 |
This week in Year 5, in Maths, we have been looking at recognising and comparing 6 digit numbers which year 5 have done really well in! Excitingly, we have also started to read our new power of reading text ‘Hidden Figures’. From this, we have written a job advert for NASA and a persuasive letter to convince them to hire one of the main characters from Hidden Figures. Throughout the week, Year 5 has also begun to learn about the Anglo- Saxons and have been looking at who they are and where they came from! |