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The Echelford Primary School

Year 5 learning this week

Below you will find our weekly teaching and learning summary to find out how we develop and enrich your child's learning whilst they are with us.

Week ending What we have been learning about

This week in Year 5 we have been enjoying creating our friendship bracelets for our Maths Enterprise week, ready to sell at the Expo next week. We have also been lucky enough to visit our local church - St Matthew’s in Ashford - where Father John taught us about baptism and gave us an insight into Christianity and how they show worship to God. In Geography, we have been making our topographical maps using salt dough, showing the physical features of Antarctica and the different heights of the surface. 

Spellings: Silent letters at the beginning of a word. 

Knight, knife, mnemonic, knowledge


This week in Year 5 we have been taking photos of all of our learning for our facebook takeover! In these photos you will see we have been very busy starting a new topic in Maths, where we have been learning to identify, compare and order acute, obtuse and reflex angles. In Literacy, we have been understanding and demonstrating the emotions felt by the crew of the Endurance when the ship got stuck and they had to live in Antarctica. We have also been investigating what soluble and insoluble materials are in Science by conducting an experiment where we put solids in water and measure the results. 


Spellings: To spell words with suffixes where the base word ends in


conferring, difference, inference, preference, preferred, referee, reference, referring, transference, transferring


This week we have been writing persuasive letters to Shackleton in Literacy, trying to convince him to pick us as one of his crew members on the Endurance. We have also been using our scientific enquiry skills to predict what will be good conductors and insulators in Science, by wrapping cups of hot water in different materials. In Maths, we have been deepening our knowledge on fractions, looking at converting improper fractions to mixed numbers, and converting decimals to fractions. 


Spellings: Adverbials 

afterwards, earlier, eventually, finally, immediately, previously, recently, tomorrow, whilst, yesterday


This week we have continued learning about fractions, involving equivalent fractions and tenths and hundredths. In Literacy, we have been revisiting fronted adverbials and including these in our diary entries, as if we were on the Endurance in ‘Shackleton’s Journey’. We have been looking at our own dreams and goals in PSHE, including what jobs we would like in the future and the steps you would need to take to achieve them. 

Spellings: words ending in '-able' where the 'e’ 

agreeable, changeable, irreplaceable, knowledgeable, manageable, microwaveable, noticeable, rechargeable, replaceable, salvageable


In Year 5, we have started the term off by introducing our Power of Reading text, ‘Shackleton’s Journey’. We have used our oracy skills to predict what is going to happen in the story, by looking at the front cover and pictures of the real event, and we have written up our predictions using relative clauses. In Maths, we have been recapping fractions, and identifying what components make up a fraction and why we use them. We have been looking into properties and their changes in Science. Children have used their enquiry skills to identify the properties of materials by sieving solids, melting ice and testing insulators and conductors in a circuit. 

Spellings: accommodate, available, controversy, dictionary, marvellous, opportunity, secretary, sincerely, suggest, twelfth.
20/12/24 This week in Year 5 , the children have been creating cards for the residents of Echelforde Care Home. Within their cards, the children have included their plans for Christmas and asked the residents their plans too. In Art, we have created our final piece of Artwork based on ‘The Great Wave off Kanagawa’ by artist Hokusa. The children have included aspects of plastic to show the effect plastic pollution is having to our world.

This week in Year 5, we have been writing our letters to a care home! In our letters, we have explained what we have enjoyed in Year 5 so far and our plans for Christmas. In Maths, we have continued to learn about finding the area of a shape. Excitingly, in Science we have conducted an experiment using tin foil to create boats. These boats would help Zoe escape from Eel’s island! 

Spellings: Words ending in -able and -ible


This week in Year 5, we have been writing a newspaper report based on our Main character Zoe discovering Eel’s island. This enabled us to think back to the previous chapters where Zoe found Eel’s island and further then predict what we think will happen next for Zoe. In Maths, we have been finding the perimeter and area of rectilinear shapes which everyone excelled in! In science, we have been looking at the three different types of mechanism and found it interesting how Eddie Hall (the world's strongest man) didn’t use a mechanism to pull a lorry! 

Spellings:Words ending -ent and -ence


This week in Year 5, we had our riverwalk trip! We enjoyed looking at the different features of a river and enjoyed bringing our learning to life. In Literacy, we have been writing balanced arguments to argue if our main character Zoe should leave Eels island alone or take the Eel island leader Dooby. In Maths, we have been continuing to work on long multiplication with 2 digits by 2 digit numbers. 

Spellings: Words ending in -ance and -ancy

22/11/24 This week, we have been continuing to learn more about our book ‘The Floodland’ and we have been writing speeches to persuade the members of ‘Eel island’ to choose Dooby to become their leader. To follow this, we then performed these speeches in the Lighthouse! In Maths, we have been looking at using the correct written method to work out short and long multiplication with 2 digits by 2 digit questions!
Spellings: words ending in ‘-ant

This week, we have been reading more of our text ‘Floodland’. At the beginning of the week, we were able to summarise the first two chapters which then led us into writing diary entries in the perspective of our main character, Zoe. In Maths, we have continued to develop our knowledge on multiplication and division. 

Spellings: Challenging words.

08/11/24 This week in Year 5, we have been exploring our new text ‘Floodland’ in Literacy. We have read the first chapter ‘before’ and have created our own predicted versions of Chapter 2 before we read it. In Maths, we have been finding multiples and factors of various different numbers that have helped improve our times table knowledge. We have also visited the lighthouse room this week to complete a maths multiplication scavenger hunt!
Spellings: Words with irregular spelling patterns.
25/10/24 This week in Year 5, we have been writing acrostic poems about the different planets in our solar system. Within our poems, we have been using a range of figurative language to describe the different planets. In Maths, we have been having recap lessons of our learning this term which the children have enjoyed as we have had a range of different tasks each day. This week, we have also had a visit from the Rotary Club and been given dictionaries for each child!
18/10/2024 This week in Year 5, in DT, we have started to create our orreries. The children have begun to cut out parts of the orrery using a range of tools and have begun to paint the different planets. In Maths, we have been developing on our knowledge of statistics and have been learning how to read timetables. In Literacy, we have been creating a double pages fact file on a range of ‘Influential women in Space’. 
Spellings: words ending in ‘-cial’ and ‘-tial’
11/10/2024 This week in Year 5, we had a brilliant time at the Wonderdome Experience. The children learnt more information about our Solar System and Galaxy and asked brilliant questions to develop their understanding. Following this, in English we created a letter to the current Year 4’s to tell them what to expect next year and what they enjoyed. Collaborating with the Wonderdome Experience and Space week, Year 5 also created brilliant pieces of artwork all about the planets in our Solar System. 
Spellings: Words ending in ‘-tial’

This week in Year 5, we have been writing reports using dialogue on the Apollo 11 mission. We have been focusing on using inverted commas correctly, using year 5 and 6 spelling words and a range of fronted adverbials. During our Maths lessons, we have been recapping our knowledge of addition and subtraction and using the column method to support our working out. In RE this week, we have been looking at biblical stories and how ‘salvation’ (rescue) is a common theme in the Bible.

Spellings: Words ending in ‘tial’


This week in Year 5, we have been creating our own planets and have written amazing reports on this. The children were able to use a range of features to describe their planets and were able to present them using key organisational devices. We have also looked at how to uplevel our writing by editing and checking our work. In Maths, Year 5 have been developing their learning on adding and subtracting up to 6 digit numbers. 
Spellings: words ending in ‘-cial’

20/09/2024 This week in Year 5, we have been writing a diary entry in perspective of Katherine Johnson and discovering what a day in her life was like when working as a computer for NASA. In Maths, we have been looking at Roman Numerals up to 1000 and on Wednesday the children had a code breaker activity to find the hidden code using their knowledge of Roman Numerals. We were really impressed by the children's dedication and resilience during this lesson! Year 5 have also begun their scientific enquiry this week on how the earth rotates, we have set up a rounders post in the playground to see how the shadow changes throughout the day which we will carry on on Monday morning! Spellings: words ending in ‘-cious’

This week in Year 5, in Maths, we have been looking at recognising and comparing 6 digit numbers which year 5 have done really well in! Excitingly, we have also started to read our new power of reading text ‘Hidden Figures’. From this, we have written a job advert for NASA and a persuasive letter to convince them to hire one of the main characters from Hidden Figures. Throughout the week, Year 5 has also begun to learn about the Anglo- Saxons and have been looking at who they are and where they came from! 
Spellings: Words ending in ‘tious’ and ‘ious’

The Echelford Primary School