Year 4

Welcome to Year 4! Our children embark on an exciting adventure by exploring fascinating and varied texts. These texts allow us to investigate different themes and connect all of our learning together. In the Autumn term, we read ‘The Iron man’ which links to our mapping skills that we look at in Geography as we plot a journey for the Iron man to take. We also explore Ancient Mesopotamia through the lens of Varjak Paw - we investigate ancient Mesopotamian artefacts and create our own clay cat sculptures decorated with Mesopotamian patterns.
In the Spring term, we explore refugees by delving into ‘The Boy at the Back of the class’ and using inspiration from the text, map the journey of a refugee from Syria to Britain. We also read ‘Escape from Pompeii’ which links to our learning of the Romans. We take a trip back in time through an experience day to explore the Romans and their invasion of Britain, considering the incredible impact that the Romans had on British society. In DT, we use our modelling skills to create a replica of Pompeii and link it to our science learning by creating an eruption.
In the Summer term, we read the text ‘Mousehole cat’ which links fantastically with our Geography learning about cities, towns, villages and coastal areas. We also learn about the Tudors and their entertainment and take a trip to Hampton Court which ensures children really immerse themselves in the period of history. This links in with our final power of reading text ‘Spy master’ which is set in Tudor times. Children are given an opportunity to go swimming at a different school within the Trust.
As well as this, the children enjoy a local trip to a festival named Rise:Up. This sun-filled three day extravaganza includes a wide range of workshops from rocket-making to samba drumming, an exciting silent disco and allows the children to practise and improve their teamwork skills. It is an incredibly exciting trip that creates lifelong memories for the pupils.
Throughout Years 1-6 the learning is focused on mastering the end of year objectives set out in the 2014 National Curriculum. In Years 1 & 2 the children follow the Key Stage 1 programmes of study as outlined in the National Curriculum and in Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 they follow the Key Stage 2 programmes. The National Curriculum for both key stages consists of the core subjects: Mathematics, English, Science and Computing; and the foundation subjects; History, Geography, Design & Technology, Art and Design, Music, and P.E. The Surrey Agreed Syllabus is used for the teaching of Religious Studies (R.S).
Children are taught in mixed ability classes throughout the school.
They progress through the classes according to age except in very exceptional instances where the individual needs of the child make an alternative programme necessary.