Year 6

Year 6 is a very exciting time for our pupils: it starts the final year at Primary School and we provide many opportunities for inspirational learning alongside preparing them for their next stage of school life.
Our children go on a stimulating learning journey, exploring texts such as: Letters From The Lighthouse, Darwin - An Exceptional Voyage and Macbeth. These texts tie in our themes of WW2, Evolution and Crime and Punishment within the Anglo Saxon Period. The children explore poetry through The Highwayman and when studying Animals Including Humans; all of these topics enable the children to write for a range of purposes.
Alongside themed days surrounding WW2, the Mayan’s and enhancing our Geography and map work skills, the children enjoy a city trip to Bristol which allows them to explore museums, new food and laser quest (the adults enjoy all of these too!) This trip enables the children to develop their sense of independence as well as linking into learning back at school.
Whilst Year 6 includes the end of key stage assessments (SATs), there are new responsibilities available for the children: the chance to be a Prefect as well as applying for Head Boy or Head Girl. The Year 6 production, Treat Day, Leavers Party and Leavers Assembly are other opportunities for Year 6’s only, to celebrate their time at Echelford.
Throughout Years 1-6 the learning is focused on mastering the end of year objectives set out in the 2014 National Curriculum. In Years 1 & 2 the children follow the Key Stage 1 programmes of study as outlined in the National Curriculum and in Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 they follow the Key Stage 2 programmes.
The National Curriculum for both key stages consists of the core subjects: Mathematics, English, Science and Computing; and the foundation subjects; History, Geography, Design & Technology, Art and Design, Music, and P.E. The Surrey Agreed Syllabus is used for the teaching of Religious Studies (R.S).
Children are taught in mixed ability classes throughout the school. They progress through the classes according to age except in very exceptional instances where the individual needs of the child make an alternative programme necessary.