A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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The Echelford Primary School


We encourage our children to take pride in their appearance. To this end all pupils are expected to wear the prescribed school uniform, as we believe this is an important element in helping to develop a sense of belonging to Echelford. We ask parents/carers to support us in this policy by ensuring that children are sent to school correctly dressed.

All logoed school uniform is available to purchase from KS Teamwear in either in person at their shop located at 201-203 Laleham Road, Shepperton, TW17 0AH or online via https://www.ksteamwear.co.uk/. Current price lists can be found on their website.

The remainder of our school uniform can be bought from supermarkets/clothing stores or from KS Teamwear.

Our PTFA also runs a ‘Nearly New’ Uniform Shop at school events, where you can buy our logoed items of uniform. Please ask the school office for details of the next sale. 

Our Home School Link Worker is always available to discuss uniform needs with our parents/carers, as we would not want financial circumstances to limit a child’s sense of belonging at Echelford. 

Our basic minimum requirement of school branded items, available only from our school uniform supplier are: 

  • 1 x branded sweatshirt (V-neck, sweatshirt material) or 1 x branded cardigan (V-neck, sweatshirt material)
  • 1 x branded polo shirt or 1 x branded tie (depending on year group)
  • 1 x branded PE t-shirt
  • 1 x branded book bag (Nursery to Year 2)
  • 1 x branded PE bag

Optional school branded items include:

  • Royal blue school cap with school logo

Non-branded items that are accepted are:

  • Grey trousers or shorts
  • Grey skirt or pinafore dress
  • White collared shirts / blouses (KS2) 
  • Plain white polo shirt (in addition to 1 branded white polo) 
  • Black or grey socks (NOT trainer socks) 
  • Black or grey tights 
  • Black sensible outdoor shoes with velcro, buckle or laces (NOT Vans, canvas shoes, jelly shoes, sandals, high heels, ballerina/dolly shoes) 
  • Warm and waterproof outdoor coat or anorak 
  • Blue and white checked summer dress (can be worn with white socks from Easter to October) 
  • PE - Plain navy blue shorts 
  • PE - Plain navy tracksuit bottoms without logos e.g. Nike, Puma 
  • PE - Plain navy jumper without logos, e.g. Nike, Puma 
  • Plimsolls 
  • Trainers for PE (Years 1- 6) 
  • Swimsuits / towels (Year 4)
  • All head coverings to be white, black or navy or royal blue 

Expectations for accessories and cosmetics:

  • A small wrist watch (or one that can count steps) is permitted. Smart watches that can be used to communicate are not permitted even if it is disabled.
  • A maximum of one small & discreet stud earring per ear (these earrings must be removed for PE in compliance with Lumen Learning Trust’s Physical Education Policy). No other jewellery is permitted;
  • Nail varnish, false nails, make-up and temporary tattoos are not appropriate for school and a pupil will be asked to remove these accessories if seen by a member of staff.

Expectations for hairstyles:

The school reserves the right to make a judgement on whether a pupil’s hairstyle, hair colour or headwear is inappropriate for the school environment; however, the school will ensure that any such judgements do not discriminate against any pupil by virtue of their protected characteristics. Each individual pupil’s scenario will be taken into account where any judgements are to be made.

  • All children with shoulder-length or longer hair must have it completely tied back; hair should not be worn in a half-up-half-down style;
  • Hair bands should be small and plain in the neutral colours of white, black, brown, beige and blue only;  
  • Hair styles such as patterns cut into hair e.g. tram lines, excessive use of hair products e.g. gel, the use of hair dye in non-natural colours or bleach are not appropriate for school 
  • Short hair should be uniform in length i.e. not shaved in one part and excessively long elsewhere;
  • Decorative and large accessories such as bows, headbands and long ribbons are not appropriate for school as they serve no functional purpose, pupils will be asked to remove these if worn;

The Headteacher may grant exceptions to any of the above, but only where this is required as a matter of sincere religious observance and where this can be substantiated by a letter from the leader of the relevant religious community.

The Echelford Primary School