How can our Home School Link Worker support?
Navigating family life can be anything but straightforward at times! Sometimes we need to talk things through to help find a way forward.
Here are a couple of examples of the tools that we can use to help families:
Early Help Assessment
The Early Help Assessment is a tool which families and professionals can use to help identify a need and to put a plan of support in place. A plan is put together using this information to help you achieve the changes you want to make; this is called an Early Help Plan.
It will be regularly reviewed to ensure services are offering the right support and that you are making progress towards your goals. This assessment tool can be used for a variety of reasons, such as behaviour concerns, housing, bereavement, SEN support, financial support etc.
The assessment is completed by the Home School Link Worker with you. If you are happy with the plan then it will be implemented or changes will be made to the plan to suit your family’s needs.
Graded Care Profile Assessment
This assessment helps both parents and professionals understand what you are doing well and what support you may need with being a parent. The GCP2 is a practical tool which measures the quality of care delivered to an individual child or children over a short period of time.
There are lots of things to think about when you are a parent and it is important to know what your child needs. Both the Early Help Assessment or a Graded Care Profile Assessment will help identify support for your family.
If you would like an appointment to discuss how either of these assessments can support your family, please call Natasha via
Home School Link Worker Recommendations:
Please see Summer Events Leaflet below.
Upcoming events:
Parenting Puzzle Workshop
Puzzled Parents??? We can’t promise a miracle, but we can guide you and help make family life that little bit easier. We will give you 10 weeks of support and advice, coupled with real-life scenarios and support from other parents. By the end of the 10 weeks not only will you have made new friends and realised you are not alone, but you will feel more confident, self-aware, understand positive discipline and appropriate expectations, which makes for a happier family life. If you want to hear more, come to our coffee morning at Saxon Primary School, Thursday 26 September 24, 09.00 - 09.30 Briar Road Shepperton TW170JB We will then meet every Thursday 09.15 - 11.15 term time only. Starting 03 October 2024
Any further information or if you would like to book, please email Natasha via the school office.
Useful links:
Surrey Family Information service: