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The Echelford Primary School

Year 4 learning this week

Below you will find our weekly teaching and learning summary to find out how we develop and enrich your child's learning whilst they are with us.

Week ending What we have been learning about

This week we have launched our Spring topics in our Foundation learning. In Science we have been exploring our previous knowledge of the digestive system. In PE we have played Hockey, Basketball and combined Maths with Athletics through our Taggiv8 lesson. In Religious and World Views we have started exploring the Christian sacrament of Communion.

Spellings:  Homophones and near homophones

 Knot and not, accept and except, weather and whether, piece and peace, plane and plain


It’s been a busy week in Year 4, finalising and polishing our Christmas Concert with Year 3. The children have been working extremely hard remembering their dances and projecting their voices for their singing and speaking parts. In between rehearsals we have been finding fractions of amounts. Additionally, we have been completing all of our foundation learning - Ancient Mesopotamia, Food Chains, iMovie and Celebrating Differences. 

Spellings: common exception words

13/12/24 This week we had our Mesopotamia Morning. Across this time we rotated through three activities. With Mrs Galvin-Bays we created clay pots. With Miss Robins we played Mesopotamian games such as online versions of the Royal Game of Ur and checkers, which they created. With Mrs Barber we argued for and against which Mesopotamian invention was the most important, for example Maths, time or the wheel. We have practised hard for our concert this week and had great fun on Christmas and Hanukkah Pause Day. 
Spellings: Common exception words
06/12/24 This week we have been exploring the text Pet Selector alongside Varjak Paw. Pet Selector gives information pages about different breeds of cats, so we have researched and presented information about breeds of our choice in the style of the book. In Maths we have started Fractions and been recapping what we learnt in Year 3. In RaWv we have been exploring the Kingdom of Heaven and what our perfect Kingdom would be. In PE we have been timing ourselves using sprint starts, when running.
Spellings: Common exception words

This week we have been concentrating on our Times Tables and looking at the patterns between them that can help us remember the numbers. In Literacy, we have been designing an enemy for Varjak Paw that we have described using expanded noun phrases. We then wrote an extract of a story that the character would appear in, using fronted adverbials to help with our cohesion. In Science we have now all completed our egg experiment and the children would be keen to tell you the results and how that has taught us about looking after our teeth.

Sadly, wildly, bravely, gently


In Year 4 this week, we have been continuing our learning surrounding Christianity and God’s Kingdom and how to be a leader. We have developed our understanding of light and shade in our art learning. This week in Literacy, we understood the difference using a pronoun can make to the fluency of our writing and in Maths, we have furthered our understanding of statistics by creating and analysing line graphs.
Spellings: words ening in -ly. Eg: sadly, completely, foolishly, nervously


At the start of the week we enjoyed celebrating our differences on Odd Socks day and had a range of discussions about the reasons behind our Remembrance commemoration. This week we have started our new Maths unit on statistics where we have interpreted and created pictograms and bar charts. In Literacy we used apostrophes for plurals and created missing posters for Varjak Paw after he ran away from the Contessa’s house. In PE we have been developing our basic skills in running. 

Spellings: Common Exception Words

08/11/24 This week we have immersed ourselves in our new History topic of Mesopotamia. We started with a lesson exploring artefacts found during a dig in Southern Iraq in 1928 which helped us understand some of the ways in which the people lived. We have then researched different aspects of ancient civilisation and written information pieces in Literacy. In Maths, we have been multiplying and dividing. 
Spellings:  Common Exception Words

This week we have been very busy finishing our topics for this half term. We have reviewed Iron Man and compared the movie with the book. In Maths, we have continued multiplying and looked at how to multiply three one digit numbers in any order. 

Spellings: Common Exception Words


This week we enjoyed our local walk to Ashford train station where we observed the features of our local area ready to compare them with our town of study, Eastbourne. In Literacy we retold the story of Iron Man verbally and then in writing. In Maths we began our multiplication and division Maths topic. 
Spellings: Common Exception Words

11/10/2024 This week we have been finishing our addition and subtraction learning by using the column method to solve word problems. In Literacy we have been practising how to punctuate speech and applying this to writing interviews and newspaper articles. In Science we have been considering conductors and insulators. In PE we have been learning more tag rugby rules and techniques. 
Spellings: Common exception words 

In Year 4, we have been practising using the column method to solve addition and subtraction equations. In Literacy, we have been exploring vocabulary to create a newspaper report. 4B have been busy rehearsing for their class assembly which they are keen to show next week! In Science, we have been creating our own circuits and will use this knowledge within our DT project. 
Spellings: Common Exception Words


This week we have been using fronted adverbials in our writing to describe the occurrence of Iron Man breaking out of the pit he had been trapped in. We wrote diary entries from different people’s perspective of the event, using fronted adverbials such as ‘Later on,’ Loudly’ or ‘From the pit,’. In Maths we have been considering the strategies we already know for addition and subtraction, looking at which ones to use based upon the question. In Science, we have experimented with different items to create a circuit.
Spellings: Year 3 and 4 Common Exception Words.

20/09/2024 In Year 4 this week, we have been writing reports relating to the Iron Man. We have been using paragraphs to help us structure our writing. Next week we are exploring fronted adverbials in our writing. In Maths, we have been finishing our place value learning and are moving onto addition and subtraction. We have been learning about Ashford in Geography and in Music we have been listening to and appraising pieces of music. 
Spellings: Common Exception Words

This week in Year 4 we have been making predictions about our new text Iron Man, predicting the events we think will happen in the book. Alongside this we have been considering how to ensure our handwriting is consistent and of a good quality. In Maths, we have been ordering and comparing numbers above 1000. We have begun all of our Foundation topics this week and in particular have been exploring different questions about electricity.
Spellings: Common Exception Words

The Echelford Primary School