Year 2 learning this week
Below you will find our weekly teaching and learning summary to find out how we develop and enrich your child's learning whilst they are with us.
Week ending | What we have been learning about |
07/02/25 |
Year 2 has had another brilliant week delving into all things Maths! We have been busy designing and creating photo frames using lollipop sticks which we will sell at the Echelford Expo next Wednesday. We have also explored the value of money and considered the best price for the materials we need to create our designs. We were also lucky enough to have an NSPCC workshop focused on speaking out and staying safe. In Literacy, we have read a new book, The Last Wolf, which has an unexpected twist on the fairytale Red Riding Hood. We have been planning our own versions of the story by creating story maps and using the story mountain. In Science, we have been investigating the impact of exercise on our body by carrying out an exercise and recording our heartbeat to analyse the difference.
Spellings: words with kn (knock, knee) and words with gn (gnat, sign). |
31/01/25 |
This week in Year 2 we have been continuing our learning on telling the time on an analogue clock. This included: quarter past and quarter to, half past and 5 minute intervals. In our History and Literacy topic of Florence Nightingale, we focussed on the positive changes Florence brought to hospitals that still affect our lives today. Our PE topic of Gymnastics allowed us to practise our jumping, ensuring we landed with control. 2DT had their class assembly on Wednesday which was all about the Lunar New Year! They did a fabulous job of presenting the information to their grown ups and their singing and dancing was wonderful.
Spellings: silent k, g and w |
24/01/25 |
In Year 2 this week, we continued to investigate the impact that Florence had on the conditions in Scutari Hospital, introducing clean bandages, medicine and fresh beds which led to soldiers recovering. We used this inspiration to write about the changes Florence made during the Crimean War in the form of diary entries, a contrast to the ones we wrote a few weeks ago when Florence first arrived at the hospital! In Maths, we have moved on to our time unit where we have been exploring how many hours there are in a day, quarter to and quarter past, and how many minutes there are in an hour. 2W performed their class assembly educating us on the importance of a hug and we are looking forward to watching 2DT’s next week! Spellings: swapping the y for an i when you add -ed e.g. cry > cried, worry > worried and dropping the e before adding -ing e.g. make > making, hide > hiding |
17/01/25 |
This week has been an exciting one for Year 2! On Wednesday, we had our Florence Nightingale Day and were treated to a workshop with the Lady of the Lamp herself! We found out some brilliant new information about Florence’s life which we used to create fact files about all of the incredible things she has achieved. We also constructed timelines about her life which gave us even more to include in our writing - did you know that Florence lived to the age of 90? 2W and 2DT have been hard at work practising their class assemblies, we have also continued to improve on our ball skills during our PE sessions ensuring that we keep the ball close to our bodies when we are dribbling and in RaWV we explored why Jesus is seen as a saviour to Christians. Spellings: adding the suffixes -ing/ -es/ -s to words e.g. patting, surfing, matches, ducks |
10/01/25 |
This week, we have been introduced to Florence Nightingale, the lady of the lamp. In Literacy, we have been writing diary entries about Florence’s arrival at the Scutari Hospital where conditions were filthy and rats roamed. We used our senses to help visualise these horrific conditions. In Maths, we have continued to work on our multiplication skills, focusing on the two times table and doubling a number, identifying the links between these two concepts. In Science, we used our enquiry skills to find out about how to stay healthy and what mammals need to survive. Spellings: /ck/ (duck) /c/ (magic) /ch/ (lunch) /tch/ (match) |
20/12/24 |
It has been a busy week in Year 2. In DT we have been working on our sewing skills making our puppets. In literacy each class has been learning about different events occurring in January to write explanations for the world map by the front office. For maths we continue our learning of multiplication and division with word problems and the 2 times tables. From all of us in the Year 2 team we hope you have a great break! Spellings: common exception words |
13/12/24 |
It has been a very busy week in Year 2 with the performance of our Nativity, I’m Gonna Shine. Everyone did a brilliant job! In Maths we have begun to explore division and writing division sentences. In science, we have continued to explore different animal life cycles. We have also been working on our door decorations for the Christmas door competition. Spellings: Year 2 common exception |
06/12/24 |
This week we have been working hard on our Nativity performance. In maths we have started a new topic: multiplication. We explored equal groups and arrays. In geography we continued our learning about polar regions. Spellings: year 2 common exception words. |
29/11/24 | This week has been a very busy week in Year 2 with Polar day. We did polar themed art and went on an expedition outside. We explored how blubber works. Also this week we have been learning about pictograms and block diagrams using different scales. In literacy we have been writing about the life cycle of a penguin. Spellings: c, k, ck Quack, milk, truck, quick, magic, panic |
22/11/24 | This week we have been continuing our learning about oceans and working on our map skills. We have started a new topic in Maths looking at graphing. In literacy we have been retelling the story of Leaf. |
15/11/24 | This week we have been continuing our learning about measurement. We have been practising using rulers to measure items around our classrooms. In Literacy we have been writing letters to Leaf, the lonely polar bear. We have been on nature walks around the school looking for animals in different habitats. Spellings: words with t, tt, tte |
08/11/24 | In Year 2 this week we have started exploring measurement in Maths, using metres and centimetres to measure items in our classroom. In Literacy, we have started a new story about a polar bear and have been writing fact files about polar bears. We have started learning about the 5 oceans in Geography. Also, we have had a great afternoon pausing to do some Diwali related activities, making lamps and lanterns. Spellings: Common expectation words. |
25/10/24 |
This week we have been continuing our learning of addition and subtraction word problems in Maths. In Literacy we have been inspired by Black History month to do some research about notable black inventors and athletes and create short presentations about our chosen person. We have been creating sculptures inspired by nature in Art, using leaves to make impressions in clay before turning the clay into bowls. |
18/10/2024 | This week we have been working on our retelling skills in literacy with our story One day on our Blue Planet in the Ocean. We have been solving word problems in maths using addition and subtraction. We are continuing to look at animals and the habitats they are most suited for. Spellings: Review of phase 5 sounds |
11/10/2024 | This week we have been continuing our learning of adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers. In Literacy we have looked at a new story, One day on this Blue Planet on the Savannah. We have been writing animal shape poetry inspired by animals on the Savannah. In science we have begun looking at different habitats and the animals that live in them. Spellings: words ending in ed and ing |
04/10/2024 |
In Year 2 this week we have been learning about antarctica and specifically penguins as part of literacy. We have been writing facts about how a penguin is suited to the antarctic. In maths we have continued our learning of addition and subtraction to 100. In science we have been exploring how we know something is living. For art we have done leaf rubbings in preparation for creating our own nature sculptures. |
27/09/2024 | It has been a busy week in Year 2. On Wednesday we had around the world day. We travelled to all the continents focusing on something different in each one. We looked at the climate in Antarctica, music in Africa, mountain climbing in Asia and more. In maths we have finished our learning on place value and are beginning to look at addition with number bonds to 20. Spellings: words with different sh sounds. Si, ssi, ci and ti |
20/09/2024 | In Year 2 we have been writing a retelling of The snail and the Whale focusing on using adjectives in our writing. We have continued learning about place value in maths, finding different ways to represent numbers using pictures and words. In computing we have started looking at algorithms and how to use them to make programs do things. In PE this week we are looking at ball skills with catching and throwing the ball. Spellings: words with the sounds ge, dge, su and si Tricky words: move, improve, parents, shoe |
13/09/2024 |
This week we have been settling into Year 2. In Literacy we have been reading The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson using it to inspire setting description. In maths we have begun our study of place value and looking at partitioning numbers. We got to welcome our dance teacher in PE who will be teaching us dance this term. Also, we have been enjoying folk music as part of our new learning in music. |