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The Echelford Primary School

Reception learning this week

Below you will find our weekly teaching and learning summary to find out how we develop and enrich your child's learning whilst they are with us.

Week ending What we have been learning about...
03/05/2024 This week in Reception, we have been reading the story of the Very Hungry Caterpillar. Through this book, we have been learning all about the lifecycle of a butterfly and have been enjoying reading a selection of non-fiction books! In maths, we have been focusing on our counting skills. We practised counting on, counting forward and backwards from 20 and matching the correct amount to its numeral. 
Phonics: We have been practising the skill of chunking when reading longer words, as well as sorting words into either -ar / -or sounds. 
Tricky words: were, here, little, says

This week we have continued our learning about lifecycles. We have been down to the school pond to look for tadpoles as part of our learning about the lifecycle of a frog. Sadly we have also had to say goodbye to our ducklings. They will be missed by everyone but are enjoying their new home on a farm. We have been working hard to start practising for sports day focusing on the egg and spoon race as well as the sack race. In Maths we have continued our learning of addition focusing on using number lines to help us. 

Phonics: CCVC words


It has been an exciting week in Reception because our ducklings have arrived. The children have enjoyed learning new facts and are enjoying watching them grow. In addition, the children have been retelling the story of The Ugly Duckling. We are looking forward to their first swim next week. In maths, we are exploring 2D and 3D shapes. The children went on shape hunts and used new vocabulary to describe the properties of each shape. 

Phonics: phase 4 phonics


In Reception, this week we have loved heading on a Spring walk around Echelford to see all the changes happening at this time of year. The children used a checklist to find different flowers, trees and insects. On Wednesday, we listened to our Easter story and identified the reasons why Christians celebrate Easter. We created Easter cards and painted Easter eggs. In Maths, we have been learning how to double and halve numbers. We split apart the Easter eggs to find equal amounts.

Phonics: phase 3 sounds recap

22/03/2024 We have had an exciting week in Reception as the Fire Service took a trip to our school. We learnt all about fire safety and the equipment and uniform used to help keep firemen safe. We have been reading the Fairytale of Jack and the Beanstalk and even planted our very own beans which we look forward to watching grow!
15/03/2024 The Reception classes have loved taking part in their learning throughout Science week. We first came up with predictions around which material would be best to build a house. In addition we used our knowledge to help us identify which materials are waterproof. This week we have also been learning about the Scientist Jane Goodall. We loved learning about her discoveries and creating posters to display her studies. 
Phase 3 sound recap
08/03/2024 We have had a very exciting week in Reception! We had our fairy tale day where we got to go to the Lighthouse for some role playing and story map drawing for our current fairytale The 3 Little Pigs. We had a great time on World Book day. We did some 3 Little Pigs art, showed off our costumes and went on a book scavenger hunt. In maths this week we have been learning about number bonds to 10.
Words with 2 digraphs - sheet, cheep, sharp, teeth, tooth
01/03/2024 We have been continuing to look at classic Fairy Tales and have read the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears this week. We have been looking at the location where the story takes place, and came together to think of adjectives to describe the deep, dark woods. We then moved onto story sequencing and retelling the tale in our independent writing. In Maths, we’ve looked at various ways we can represent numbers, using both our hands, cubes and bead strings. 
shimmer/ supper / rubber / better 
23/02/2024 We have begun our new topic of Fairy Tales! We have been exploring the story of Little Red Riding Hood this week, and have been creating our own descriptions of the main characters, as well as, sequencing and retelling the tale, and creating wanted posters for the Big Bad Wolf! In Maths, we have started looking at sharing into equal groups and have had fun at sharing our picnic foods equally with our friends. In Understanding The World we have had fun exploring maps, and have used Google Maps to locate our school and see familiar routes from a birds eye view. 
Put / full / pull 
Down / join / coat / moon 
09/02/2024 We have had a very busy week in reception. We got to welcome our parents into the classroom for Stay and Learn. We loved showing off our learning. For safer internet day we made video calls to the other schools in the Trust to talk about how we are safe online. In maths we have been reviewing one more and one less using number lines. In PE we have been working with our wonderful dance teacher on our transportation themed dance. We are doing a great job remembering the choreography each week.  
Review of phase 3 sounds
02/02/2024 In Reception we have been following the story of a little boy and an alien who get lost on the moon in ‘The Way Back Home’. We have collectively been writing a set of instructions that the boy can use to fix the alien’s spaceship as well as designing our very own rocket to travel to outer space! In Maths Week, we have been using our business acumen to work out the best materials for us to use for our magnet and have had fun making these to raise money for the NSPCC!
-air / -er
are/ sure/ pure
26/01/2024 This week in Reception the children have started their DT projects of creating their own Naughty Buses! The children further enjoyed reading their new story ‘Duck in a Truck’, where they worked hard to order the story and find all the rhyming words. In Maths we have been looking at one more and one less and have been using bead strings and cubes to help us with our sums!
Phonics: New sounds 
Ur, ow, oi, ear 
Tricky words: you, was, they 
19/01/2024 This week in Reception we have been reading about the Naughty bus. It even came to visit our school and caused all sorts of mess. The children enjoyed writing about what they thought the Naughty Bus was doing. In maths we have been working on our numbers to 15, writing them, counting to it and representing it in different ways. We are continuing to look at different transports, this week looking at transport used in the past. 
oo: food, boot 
oo: look, cook
ar: car, dark
or: fort, port 

This week in Reception we have begun our new topic of Transportation! We’ve been looking at all sorts of ways people travel around, and have even been comparing old transport to what they look like nowadays. We’ve been using our talk partners to explain what our favourite modes of transportation are and all the fun adventures we can have when we use transportation to travel around. In maths we’ve been looking at equations and have been having a go at writing our own number sentences for addition and subtraction equations. 
Phonics: ai, ee, igh, oa

The Echelford Primary School