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The Echelford Primary School

Year 4 learning this week

Below you will find our weekly teaching and learning summary to find out how we develop and enrich your child's learning whilst they are with us.

Week ending What we have been learning about
17/05/2024 This week, Year 4 have been looking ahead to their residential Rise Up next week and have written instructions based on their Tie-Dye creations and have created their own set of rules for while we are there. In Maths, we have begun looking at shapes and the properties they have, including different types of angles. We have continued exploring the digestive system and thought about what the Tudors' diet would have looked like and if that contributed to their early deaths. In History, we have learnt all about Henry VIII and his six wives, and we have looked in detail into their lives and what life was like for them. 
Spellings:Words with the prefix bi 
Bicycle, biannual, binoculars, biscuit, bilingual

This week, Year 4 have started preparing for their Rise Up residential by making Tye Dye T-shirts. We have also been developing our oracy skills by creating presentations about parts of the digestive system to present to a year 3 class. In  Maths, we have been consolidating our learning on measure by focusing on problem-solving questions linked to money. In DT, we have been continuing sewing our Tudor inspired bookmarks taking time to learn new skills to make different patterns. 

Spellings: Words with the prefix super, anti or auto 
superb, supermarket, autograph, automatic, antiseptic, anti-clockwise

03/05/2024 This week in Year 4, we have been getting into the character of Jack Briars from our Power of Reading text to write a series of diary entries from his perspective. In Maths, we have been learning all about measure and how we can convert between different units such as cm, mm and m. In Science, the children have begun their learning of the digestive system: developing their understanding of the functions of different parts. In Computing, we have started to create our Lego Robots using our problem solving skills and team building skills to work together as a group. 
Spellings: Words containing ‘phon’ and ‘sign’
Homophone, telephone, phonics, microphone, megaphone, sign, signature
assign, design, signal
26/04/2024 This week Year 4 has gone back in time to the Tudors! In Literacy, we have been writing our own descriptions of Hampton Court and Henry VIII, using pronouns and figurative language skills. We have been reading our power of reading text ‘Spy Master’ to help us with this. We made Tudor Monarch booklets in History, where we have gathered information independently from a range of sources. In Maths, we have been estimating and calculating the area of rectangles using squares and cm2. 
We have been learning to spell words containing ‘sol’ and ‘real’. 
E.g. solve, solution, soluble, insoluble, dissolve, real, reality, realistic, unreal, realisation. 
19/04/2024 This week, Year 4 have started our new History topic ‘The Tudors’ and are already enjoying our class text ‘Spy Master’ which is set in Tudor England. After reading the first chapter, we have written our own second chapter thinking about what might happen next in the story. In Maths, we have begun learning about perimeter and have been practising our measuring skills to accurately measure and calculate different perimeters. 
Spellings: Words with c before i and e - circle, circus, celebrate, centaur
28/03/2024 This week, Year 4 has  finished our decimal learning in Maths. In Literacy, we completed a write up of our fabulous Roman Day, detailing all of the learning and activities we took part in, not forgetting the incredible costumes of course! In DT, we made ice cream using ice, salt and milk, this linked to our Science topic, States of Matter, and tasted delicious! We hope all of our Year Fours have a restful Easter break!
Spellings: To spell words that are homophones e.g. seen and scene, affect and effect. 

This week, Year 4 have been learning all about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius that destroyed Pompeii and have become news reporters detailing the tragic event to create their own articles. They have also predicted what might happen to our main characters Livia and Tranio from ‘Escape from Pompeii’ after the eruption. In Science, Year 4 have been learning to identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle and associate the rate of evaporation with temperature.

Spellings: To spell words that are adverbs of manner. For example, quickly, reluctantly and gently.

15/03/2024 This week in Year 4, we thoroughly enjoyed Science week by creating an experiment where we exploded our volcanoes using coke bottles and Mentos. In History, we have continued our learning about the Roman Empire, particularly focusing on Roman culture. In Literacy, we have created a set of instructions on how to escape a volcanic eruption. We have also enjoyed continuing to read our Literacy text ‘Escape from Pompeii.’
Spellings: To spell words ending in ‘-cian’ for example, musician, optician and dietician.
08/03/2024 Year 4 has had a fantastic week, dropping everything and reading when the bell rang throughout the week. We’ve been busy learning how to round decimals to the nearest whole number and how to find number bonds for numbers with one decimal place. As part of our history topic, Year 4 have been reading the book ‘Escape from Pompei’ by Christina Ballit and this week Year 4 have written a descriptive piece of writing of the explosion of Mount Vesuvius. In Science, Year 4 has been learning to identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle and associate the rate of evaporation with temperature.
Spellings: To spell words ending in ‘ssion’ for example, expression, discussion and omission

This week in Year 4, we have been continuing to read our core text ‘Escape from Pompeii’ and have been researching Roman Emperors.  In Maths, we have started our decimals unit, where the children have learnt to recognise decimal tenths and to compare decimals. We have also enjoyed our introductory lesson to our new topic ‘States of Matter’ in Science, where we completed an experiment to see how long it took us to melt the ice using different techniques!

Spellings: To spell word ending in ‘-tion’ e.g. invention, action, selection.


In Year 4, we had a wonderful first week back! In Literacy, we have started our new text ‘Escape from Pompeii’ which links to our new History topic of the Romans. We have learnt about the story of Romulus and Remus and have completed a descriptive piece of writing based on Pompeii prior to 79
AD. In Maths, we have continued our topic of ‘Time’ and have been
developing their ability to tell the time to the exact minute and have begun to understand how to convert from analogue to digital. This is a skill that could be practised frequently at home!

Spellings: To spell words where ‘au’ makes an /or/ sound. E.G. August, launch, haul.

09/02/2024 This week, Year 4 have been exploring Ahmet’s perilous journey from Syria to the safety of London. We have recorded our findings in our very own diaries and our teachers have been incredibly impressed with the empathy and compassion we have shown towards the characters. Our focus has been using fronted adverbials within our writing. In Maths, we have been looking at time, with a focus on converting between analogue and digital clocks. We were so pleased to show our grown ups our incredible learning at the Expo on Wednesday, including our contrasting collages, which were a highlight for lots of families. 
Spellings: Words ending in ‘-ious’ and ‘-eous’
serious, obvious, curious, hideous, spontaneous, courteous, furious, various, victorious, gaseous
02/02/2024 We’ve had an amazing Maths Week! In Year 4, we have been investigating how best to make a profit from selling friendship bracelets, ready for today’s fair. We broke it all down to work out the most cost-effective length of elastic, number of beads and price point for each bracelet. Each class has worked incredibly hard to design their own production line to create the products and even dipped into marketing by creating labels for the bags and posters to advertise our work. Well done for your fantastic effort, Year 4! 
In Literacy, we have been holding debates based on why we should let refugees seek safety in our country. The children have approached this with great empathy, really showing our ‘N’ Green Value of being nurturing and kind to all. 
Spellings: To spell words where a suffix is added to words ending in ‘y’
merriment, happiness, plentiful, penniless, happily, prettiest, nastiness, beautiful, pitiful, silliness 
26/01/2024 This week, we have delved into the world of poetry to explore some of the perils that Ahmet, the character in our text, came across on his journey from Syria to the safety of London. This links in with our Geography learning in the coming weeks, where we will be using our map skills to plot the journey and explore some of the physical and human features of the countries he travelled through. This week also brings our fractions unit to a close, as we have been applying the skills we have learnt to word problems.  
Spellings: Words ending in ‘-ous’
courageous outrageous nervous famous adventurous disadvantageous ridiculous carnivorous rapturous torturous
19/01/2024 In Year 4 this week, we have been writing play scripts based on our text ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’. We then worked hard to turn them into paragraphs, using speech punctuation correctly. In Maths, we have been challenging ourselves to add and subtract mixed numbers and improper fractions. Although this started out as a bit of a tricky concept, we’ve been working hard using our manipulatives and a range of pictorial representations to help us and, as a result, we’ve made lots of progress! 
The suffix -ous 
Poisonous, dangerous, mountainous, marvellous, perilous, tremendous, enormous, jealous, precious, disastrous

This week, we have got stuck into our new Power of Reading text, The Boy at the Back of the Classroom. We have been using a whole range of ambitious vocabulary and sentence structures to ‘wow’ our audience when describing the classroom and the characters. Within our Maths learning, Year 4 have been looking at comparing and ordering fractions. Towards the later end of the week, we also challenged ourselves to look at mixed numbers and improper fractions. More of this to come next week! 
Spellings: -sion suffix - expansion, extension, comprehension, tension, suspension, exclusion, provision, explosion, erosion, invasion

The Echelford Primary School