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The Echelford Primary School

Year 3 learning this week

Below you will find our weekly teaching and learning summary to find out how we develop and enrich your child's learning whilst they are with us.

Week ending What we have been learning about
17/05/2024 This week in Year 3, we have been printing our own illuminated manuscripts using ink and rollers, to create a unique design with positive and negative space. In Religion and World Views, we have been continuing to explore Islam and the importance of prayer and Mosques to Muslim’s. In our Maths learning, we have begun our new topic on weight and mass and we have been using weighing scales to make predictions about the mass of classroom objects.
To spell words with irregular spelling patterns.

This week in Year 3, we have been continuing to learn about Medieval Britain and the reign of King John. In Literacy, we have been writing comparisons between King John and Robin Hood, using prefixes and suffixes. In our Maths learning, we have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes and identifying the properties of them. In Science, we had the opportunity to make an exciting video about water transportation in plants.


03/05/2024 This week in Year 3, we have been looking at another version of Robin Hood in the form of a comic book. We have been using a range of interesting sentence openers to create our own comic strip based on Prince John and Robin Hood. In Maths, we have been continuing with our learning on shape and angles, investigating the differences between perpendicular and parallel lines. In art, we have been designing our own illuminated manuscripts ready to print onto polyboard next week!
 /s/ spelt sc. 
26/04/2024 This week in Art, we have been designing our own illuminated manuscripts ready to print onto polyboards. In Maths, we have begun our new unit looking at angles and measures, finding acute, obtuse, and right angles. We have been reading the Story of Robin Hood and creating some character descriptions using possessive apostrophes. In our Science learning, we have continued to look at plants and dissected a tulip to identify the parts of a flower.
The /K/ sound using -que and -gue. 
19/04/2024 This week, Year 3 has been getting stuck into our ‘Medieval Britain’ topic, looking at our new text, Robin Hood, and making predictions about the story using conjunctions. In Maths, we have been concluding our fractions learning, looking at equivalent fractions. We have also been exploring plants and even went on a plant hunt!
The sound /k/ spelt ch.
28/03/2024 This week, Year 3 have continued their fractions learning in Maths, looking at fractions of an amount. In Literacy, we have been looking at the correct use of ‘a’ and ‘an’ and applying this to our writing. In DT, we made Shadufs, using a range of materials, which was tricky and required lots of perseverance. In Science, we explored the results of the bones soaked in milk and vinegar and compared the difference between the new strength of each bone.
To spell words with the suffix ‘-er
22/03/2024 This Week, Year 3 have been learning all about Poetry; we have looked at a range of different poems, including Haikus and Acrostic poems. The children had a go at writing their own. In Science, we carried out an experiment to test the strength of bones by placing some chicken bones in vinegar, milk and bicarbonate of soda. We look forward to seeing the results next week! In Maths, we began looking at unit fractions and non-unit fractions. 

In year 3, we dived head-first into Science week, with a particular focus on bones. The Year 3’s spent some time researching the inventor of the X-Ray and writing brilliant biographies with lots of exciting and interesting facts.The children also enjoyed our Science experiment where we made lava lamps. We started our new Maths topic, fractions, and looked at a range of examples of ‘wholes’ and ‘equal parts’. 

To spell words ending in ‘-ly’; exceptions

08/03/2024 Year 3 has had a positive week, working hard to embrace new experiences. On Thursday, the children came dressed up as their favourite book characters and engaged in a range of World Book Day activities including making their own papyrus paper. In Science, we explored the skeleton and how we can live a healthy lifestyle to keep our bones strong. In Maths, we have continued our topic on time and children have been looking at both analogue and digital clocks. 
To spell words ending in ‘-ly’ where the base word ends in ‘-ic’

This week, Year 3 had the pleasure of taking part in an Egyptian workshop. The children came in dressed up as Ancient Egyptians and learnt all about mummification and Egyptian Pharaohs. In Science, we mummified tomatoes using salt and we look forward to seeing the results in 20 days.  In Maths, we started to look at telling the time using analogue and digital clocks.  

To spell words ending in ‘-ly’ where the base word ends in ‘-le’


In Year 3, we had a fantastic first week back to school. We jumped straight into our new topic, Ancient Egypt. We had the opportunity to explore a tomb and use adjectives to describe what we could see; we then used the adjectives to create a detailed description of an Ancient Egyptian Tomb. In PE, we learnt about dribbling a ball in our football topic and how to do a forwards roll in gymnastics. In Maths, we finished our learning on multiplying and dividing and explored different strategies to solve word problems.

Spellings:  To spell words ending in ‘-le’

09/02/2024 This week in Year 3, we have been finishing our topics and we immersed ourselves in Safer Internet Day. The children had the opportunity to design their own positive online influencer and engage in discussions about what it means to influence someone else. In Art, children made their own clay pinch pots in the style of Stone Age Pottery. We also enjoyed showing all our amazing work to our grown ups at The Expo!
To spell words with irregular spelling patterns

This week, Year 3 has been exploring the concept of cost and profit as we have engaged in a number of Maths Week activities. The children have been making bracelets to sell and working on the cost and packaging ready for the upcoming sale. In Literacy, Year 3 received a very mysterious package of pebbles and have been making predictions and writing stories about where they think their pebbles have come from.

To spell words that are homophones, eg; great, main, grown, missed.

26/01/2024 This week in Year 3, we have been learning how to use inverted commas to punctuate speech; children have been considering the conversations that could have taken place between Om and Stone Age Boy in our Power of Reading text. In computing, we have been using Hopscotch to code a sequence of instructions and thinking about our online reputation. In Maths we have been looking at ten times and 100 times more.
Spellings:  To spell words with the suffix ‘-ly’

This week in Year 3, we have been continuing to dive into our new text ‘Stone Age Boy’ and using fronted adverbials to make comparisons between the Stone Age and the modern day. We have also been exploring links between multiplication and division, with a particular focus on doubling and finding ten times greater. We have also been learning all about the different types of rocks, including sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous. 

Spellings: To spell words where the digraph ‘ey’ makes an /ai/ sound

12/01/2024 This week, Year 3 has been diving into our new Stone Age topic. We had a fantastic visit from Chertsey museum where we had the opportunity to look at a range of artefacts and learn lots of new and interesting facts! In our maths, we have been looking at our times tables and exploring the relationship between multiplication and division. In PE we had our first Tag Rugby session, which the children really enjoyed. 
Spellings: To spell words with the digraph ‘ei’ and tetragraph ‘eigh. 
The Echelford Primary School