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The Echelford Primary School

Year 1 learning this week

Below you will find our weekly teaching and learning summary to find out how we develop and enrich your child's learning whilst they are with us.

Week ending What we have been learning about
17/05/2024 This week we made our own sculptures in Art, we made minibeasts out of clay that we had designed previously. We used different techniques and skills to make sure they looked realistic. In Religion and World Views we continued looking at what the Torah is and why it is special to Jewish people. We explored where Jewish people go to pray and where and why the Torah is kept at the Synagogue. In Science we have been exploring how animals can be grouped together, this week specifically we sorted the animals by what they eat.
igh/i; tiger, wild, spider
ai/a; acorn, paper, baking
oa/ow; grow, snow, window
yoo/u; unicorn, human, music

This week in Year 1, we have been recalling our trip to the Look Out last Friday. In Literacy, we have been writing about our favourite part of the trip and what we learned about. All the Year 1 children should be incredibly proud of their behaviour on our trip! In Maths, we have been using resources to help us with additional equations with two digit numbers. In PE we are continuing to practise the events for our Sports Day.

ur/ir; skirt, first, third
ow/ou; cloud, proud, sound
Oi;oy; annoy, enjoy, destroy

03/05/2024 This week we have been learning about minibeasts and writing our own fact file about spiders and ants. In maths, we have been learning place values with larger numbers up to 100. We have had a very exciting trip to The Lookout Discovery Centre to learn more about minibeasts. 
Phonics: We have been practising our phase 5 phonics. Looking specifically at the sounds ue (blue/ rescue) ew (chew/ new) u_e (rude/ cute) aw (claw/ paw)

This week we have had an exciting week, we immersed ourselves in our ‘All creatures great and small’ topic’ as we had a minibeast afternoon in preparation for our visit to The Look Out Centre where we will have a minibeast workshop. We went on a bug hunt, made bug hotels and drew some minibeasts. Some of us challenged ourselves to write some facts about minibeasts. In Maths, we moved onto our new topic of numbers 50-100. We started the topic by using our place value chart to identify tens and ones in a 2 digit number. 

Phonics: Phonics screening preparation
igh/ie; cried, tried, fried
igh/i_e; time, like, ripe, inside
oa/o; post, both, open
oa/o_e; home, woke, explode

19/04/2024 This week, Year 1 started their new ‘All creatures great and small’ topic. We looked at our next text called Farmer Duck. In Literacy, we created freeze frames in small groups to retell the story. We also created a diary entry for the duck in the story.  In Maths, we started our new topic looking at length and height. We used non-standard measurements such as cubes, paperclips and our hands to measure objects in the classroom. Year 1 thoroughly enjoyed their first Art lesson exploring different sculptures. 
Phonics: Phonics screening preparation
ai/ay; play, day, spray
ai/a-e; made, same, game, snake
ee/ea; bead, treat, least
ee/e; fever, secret, being
28/03/2024 This week we have been learning about King Charles and writing a non- fiction fact book about him. Our maths learning has been using number lines to solve subtraction such as 20- 8= ? 
On Tuesday we had our very exciting gardening day to bring together all we have learnt in our plants science topic this half term! We loved planting our own seeds, leaf rubbing and Andy Goldsworthy style nature art. 
We hope you have a great Easter holiday. See you in the Summer term. 
Phonics: Revising phase 5 sounds
22/03/2024 This week in Year 1 we have started our last book of this half term ‘The King’’s Runaway Crown’. We created story maps of the crown’s journey through London which we used to help us with our writing. In Maths, we have started our topic of Fractions, we have been finding half and quarters of quantities. All last week we were eagerly awaiting the results of our Science experiment, lots of our predictions were correct that the cress would grow best by the window. In Art, we used all of the skills we have practised this half term to create a beautiful final piece using watercolours.
ch/c/sh; chemist, echo, parachute
z/ze; breeze, freeze, sneeze
Recap of alternate sounds
15/03/2024 This week in Year 1, we have been immersed in learning through Science Week. We learned about the Scientist Emma Williams who studies plants. In our Literacy learning, we wrote about what we would like to study if we were a Scientist. Later in the week, we walked around the school to see the different plants we had growing. We participated in our Science experiment where we created slime with cornflour. 
r/wr; write, wriggle, wrong
s/st/sc; listen, whistle, science
08/03/2024 This week we have had a very exciting week in Year 1, it has been book week! We loved dropping everything and reading when the bell rang throughout the week. We also loved dressing up as our favourite book characters on Thursday! In Science, we planned an experiment to see where cress will grow the most in our classroom and made some predictions. We look forward to planting the cress next week to see if our predictions are correct. In Art, we experimented with watercolours to paint some flowers.
a/or; water, ball, small
a/o; swap, wasp, watch
air/ ear/ere; pear, bear, there
01/03/2024 We have had fun showing our phonics learning this week. In literacy we read The Queen’s Knickers. We thought of some adjectives to describe her knickers for different occasions and we designed our own fancy pants! In maths we have been counting in tens and grouping numbers into tens and ones. In science we explored our plants topic. We had a carousel of different activities such as matching trees to leaves, drawing and labelling a daffodil, sequencing how a bean grows and researching plants on Kiddle. In history we learnt about Queen Elizabeth and made a timeline of her life from portraits. 
tch-  match/ fetch
ture- adventure/ nature
al- calm/ half
a- mask/ craft

Year 1 has had a wonderful return back to school after half term. We started our new book ‘The Tooth Fairy’s Royal Visit’ where we created a storyboard of what activities we would do if we were a tooth fairy. We have also looked at a new spelling rule of adding s or es to plurals. In Maths, we continued to explore time, learning how to add hours and half hours. We particularly enjoyed our Science topic where we looked at different plants and their properties. 
air/are; share, square, stare
ur/or; work, world, worse
oo/o/u; awful, playful, could
or/ar/aur/oor; floor, door, author

09/02/2024 In Year 1 this week we have continued with our topic of Time in Maths, beginning to tell the time using o’clock and half past. In Literacy we have read our last book of the half term ‘Lost in the Toy Museum’ where we made lost posters for the toys. In Science we carried out our experiment to find out which material will be best for Traction Man’s house, we learnt it needed to be waterproof, light but also strong! We also enjoyed showing all our amazing work to our grown ups at The Expo!
Recap of phase 5 sounds
02/02/2024 This week, Year 1 children became keen mathematicians in Maths Week. We started our week looking at how much our magnets would cost to make and decided how much we would charge to make a profit. Later in the week, we designed and made our very own special magnets to raise money for the NSPCC. In our Computing lessons, we enjoyed coding the Bee-Bots to follow a simple instruction. 
u/ou/o-e/o - son, brother, touch
z/se - cheese, please, noise
s/se/ce - horse, dance, purse
ee/ey - donkey, monkey, valley
26/01/2024 This week in Year 1 we have been reading our new book The Most Loved Bear. We wrote about where we would take the bear for a trip. Our maths this week has been learning and ordering the 12 months in the year. In History we have been learning more about old toys and reflecting back to our visit from the museum. In DT we designed and then built our very own cup and ball toy! 
l/ le (apple) l/ al (metal) s/ ce (ice) v/ ve (give)
19/01/2024 This week, Year 1 were very excited to read and write all about Traction Man’s adventures. We used a picture storyboard to sequence the story and we used time connectives to help structure our writing. We also enjoyed a visit from Chertsey Museum where we learnt all about different toys from the past. We were able to sort toys into different categories, make some observational drawings and even make our own toy! We also drew our own toy shop with different toys to start off our DT learning.
igh/y: spy, defy, reply
oa/ow: snow, follow, window
j/g: giant, magic, energy
f/ph: phone, photo, elephant

This week, Year 1 has been immersed into our new topic. We had a fun-filled ‘Super Hero’ day where the children got to talk about their superpowers and what makes them special. In Literacy, we introduced our new book ‘Traction Man’ and used our prediction skills to think about what might happen in the book. Year 1 also used their prediction skills in Science to plan our experiment of what material to use for Traction Man’s house. In Maths, we explored the technique of ‘Making 10’ focusing on our number bonds to 10. 
Phonics: ee/y; happy, smelly, funny

The Echelford Primary School